Resilience & Security Advisory Commission

Resilience & Security Advisory Commission


The Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) Resilience & Security Advisory Commission operates within the KPB Planning Department.  This commission advises the administration and assembly on developing sustainability solutions for the Borough to promote the economic security, safety, self-reliance, and wellbeing of its inhabitants, while maintaining the ability of future generations to do the same. The Administration of Resilience & Security Advisory Commission is outlined in KPB Ordinance 2020-25

 The scope of matters subject to consideration by the Resilience and Security Advisory Commission includes:

  1. Divert materials that would otherwise be discarded in landfills within the borough to extend the lifetime of landfills and save taxpayer dollars;
  2. Improve cost and energy efficiency of buildings;
  3. Improve cost and energy efficiency of transportation;
  4. Increase use of local, clean energy to (a) modernize electricity generation, storage and distribution; (b) increase energy independence; (c) diversify the grid and reduce supply volatility;
  5. Support hazard mitigation planning that accounts for changing environmental conditions;
  6. Improve food security through support of local agriculture, protection of the ecological integrity of fish and wildlife habitat, protection of water resources, and other means;
  7. Conduct cost-benefit analyses of sustainable resource inititatives;
  8. Actively engage and communicate with borough communities to develop and institute sustainable resource initiatives through community workgroups, task-forces, online media, etc.;
  9. Seek funding to support the work of the commission; and
  10. Other similar efforts focused on protection of our natural resources, economy, security and wellbeing.


The Resilience and Security Advisory Commission meets monthly. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom.


RSAC Activities

The commission has established 3 subcommittees to focus on selected priority areas:

  Building Efficiency Subcommittee: Bretwood (Hig) Higman,  Philip Kaluza, Scott Waterman

  Solid Waste Subcommittee: Randy Arndt, Jeremy Spring Flynn, Byron McCord, Brad Smith

  Agriculture Subcommittee: Byron McCord, JeremySpring Flynn, Brad Smith

 The Commission has established 2 youth seats. - Ryan Rosenberg

The commission invites speakers to present information relevant to the 10 areas of focus during commission meetings. 


Resilience & Security Inspiration Photo Gallery 


RSAC General Committee 

 Public Meeting Notice

A meeting of the Resilience and Security Advisory Commission has been scheduled for 
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm. 
The meeting will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.

This meeting will be online via Zoom
or by phone 1-888-788-0099,

Meeting ID: 907 714 2205

The public is invited to attend via Zoom.

The meeting agenda is available online at:


Phone: 907-714-2204
Phone: toll free within the Borough 1-800-478-4441, extension 2204
Fax: 907-714-2378
e-mail address: [email protected]



                                                 RSAC Building Efficiency 


 Public Meeting Notice

A meeting of the Resilience and Security Advisory Commission Building Efficiency Subcommittee has been scheduled for 
Monday, January 13, 2025 at 2:00 pm. 
The meeting will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.

This meeting will be online via Zoom

or by phone 1-253-205-0468,

Meeting ID: 825-3889-2018

Passcode: 794115

The public is invited to attend via Zoom.

The meeting agenda is available online at:

Phone: 907-714-2204
Phone: toll free within the Borough 1-800-478-4441, extension 2204
Fax: 907-714-2378
e-mail address: [email protected]